Growth is often a measure of success and with our success, we have been asked to add 2 more schools this fall. Joining our list of schools is who participate in the I-Beam program is Carolina Park and Mount Pleasant Academy bringing our total to 9. For a full list of schools that are participating with I-Beam, go to I-Beam Schools for information on each school. Additional schools mean new mentors and our orientation this fall went very well as we enrolled over 75 new mentors to the program. The picture below is from an orientation/fact finding session at one of the first churches who started I-Beam, Greater Goodwill A.M.E. Church.

This year is an important year, not only because we have expanded, but this is the year when the SC Read to Succeed Act comes into effect where children need to be reading at grade level or risk being held back. I-Beam is also looking at expanding the program to younger grades as well so stay tuned for more information on that.
This program has many people to be thankful for, particularly Adrienne Lauder from CCSD who has been our ‘mentor’ these years by offering the I-Beam committee and all of its mentors with training and feedback on how to be better mentors. So, Thank You Adrienne and CCSD for all of your support.