You’re invited to help “drive” away hunger!
15th Annual Charity Golf Classic Tuesday, September 17th 1 p.m. Shotgun Start You can “drive” away hunger in our community by participating in a Captain’s Choice tournament at beautiful RiverTowne Country Club. Every golfer will enjoy lunch by Raising Cane’s, dinner by Outback Steakhouse, a performance golf shirt and complimentary beverages. Participants will also […]
Serving Shirley | East Cooper Meals on Wheels + East Cooper Ecumenical Network
Shirley White became a double amputee in January due to complications from diabetes, and East Cooper Meals on Wheels came to her aid soon after. While the diabetic-friendly meals were helping her adjust to life after surgery, her quality of life was still suffering because her home wasn’t built to accommodate a wheelchair. The day […]